The Impossibility of Dynamic Queue and Why a Perfect Queue System is Unrealistic
The Impossibility of Dynamic Queue and Why a Perfect Queue System is Unrealistic
The Impossibility of Dynamic Queue and Why a Perfect Queue System is Unrealistic
Immortals has taken the NA LCS by storm this split, proving pre-season scrim rumors to be true (for once) and leaving most of us wondering whether we’re about to see IMT pull a Fnatic and go 18-0.
Snap Judgements: Week 1 Immortals They were by far the best looking team in North America this week and it may be a while before another team has improved enough to challenge them.
Today, Riot announced that they're removing Auto-Relegation in favor of a five teamtournamentcomprised of the bottom 3 LCS teams and the top 2 Challenger teams (thankfully comprised entirely of Best of 5s) and that they have further plans...
This is a follow-up to last year's popular10 Bold, In-Depth predictions for Season 5.
IEM San Jose marks the first international competition of the off-season and serves as a preview of what me can expect from some of the best teams in each of the four major regions in Season Six.
Those who have started following competitive League of Legends within the past two years might find this hard to believe, but there was once a time when not every top laner took teleport.
What is "World Class"? It's a standard that is often presented to us and debated by coaches, players, analysts and casters. We love talking about it. Is such and such player a world class player?
With the Spring Promotion over, we finally know which ten teams will participate in the 2015 Summer Split.
Team Solo Mid PotentialBans: Rumble, Nidalee, Rek'Sai, Vi, Lee Sin, Karthus, Graves Dyrus Most Picked Champions: Maokai, Lulu Most Successful Champions: Maokai, Lulu, Sion, Lissandra Flex Picks: Lulu (with Lustboy), Rek'sai (with Santorin)...